Optiflux: Quality Insights - Packs
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Optiflux, a spin-off from KU Leuven, offers innovative data-driven solutions for assessing fruit quality and optimizing storage. Using patented algorithms, factors such as color, size, and shelf life are monitored, and storage conditions are adjusted based on fruit respiration. The cloud-based technology provides growers and packers with real-time insights for better quality and longer shelf life. Optiflux integrates seamlessly with Agromanager, offering a flexible, customized platform. This optimizes the entire lifecycle of the fruit, from harvest to delivery.

Quality Insights offers advanced solutions for the automatic assessment of product size and color using vision detection and AI technologies.
Through integration with Agromanager, Quality Insights data is directly visible within this platform, providing users with real-time insights into both storage in cold storage and cultivation processes. These comprehensive data insights help growers and packers ensure the quality and traceability of their products, from the growth process to storage and distribution, aiming to guarantee consistently high quality throughout the entire supply chain.